Wednesday, July 10, 2013

AJ, Is it Changing?

Reasons AJ is changing
  1. People arn't playing it for fun
  2. So much spamming!!
  3. Getting boring
  4. Less people are going online
  5. NO more excitment (except for beta)
If you are reading this, you know what AJ is like (hopefully) and you know how it is changing. Its all about rares and spamming. I am NOT QUITTING but i hope you understand that AJ is not what it used to be.

1 comment:

  1. It is, sprinklegirl. I get you. If you don't really feel like Animal Jam blogging, you can always blog about you life, like I do! Check out this post:
    and you can make your blog look like mine if you want!
